Legacy of Agent Orange

Damir Sagolj
Damir Sagolj/Reuters

As April 30 approaches, marking 40 years since the end of the Vietnam War, people in Vietnam with severe mental and physical disabilities still feel the lingering effects of Agent Orange.

Respiratory cancer and birth defects amongst both Vietnamese and U.S. veterans have been linked to exposure to the defoliant. The U.S. military sprayed millions of gallons of Agent Orange onto Vietnam’s jungles during the conflict to expose northern communist troops.

Reuters photographer Damir Sagolj travelled through Vietnam to meet the people affected, four decades on.

Damir Sagolj
Damir Sagolj/Reuters


Published on The Wider Image Reuters – This immersive app for iPad reimagines news photography to bring images and information to life.

Damir Sagolj is a Bangkok-based award-winning photographer who is the senior Reuters staff photographer covering Asia – and anywhere else where news is breaking. He spent ten years covering the Middle East including the intifada, and the Iran/Iraq conflict along with the more recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and also documented the conflict in the Balkans. His work has been widely published and exhibited including at the presigious photo-journalism festival, Visa pour L’image in Perpignan. 

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